Monday, July 14, 2008

file under childhood-hits: "Killer Of The Soul" by 108

I was maybe 17 or so when 108 released their phenomenal swansong album "Threefold Misery". On this album, there was this song which blew me straight out of my pants. The passion in the singing, the lyrics, the K.I.L.L.E.R. guitar riff right in the beginning, the straight message, it all made sense to me, it spoke to me like a prayer, it all came together and created a true classic. After all these years this song and the album remains to be one of my all-time favorites. Wow, this is still so good!

there is an extensive 108 interview somewhere here in one of my previous blogs.

*** Yes, the lyrics are preachy. But besides that, they bare some wisdom in them.

Killer of the soul...
satanic ritual set the corpse upon the table,
cosmetic religion,
hide your horns,
if you are able.
killer of the animal,
only a demon could dine on the flesh of the dead,
each hair on the back of each cow,
is birth you'll spend in hell.

the killer of the soul,
whomever he may be,
will be forced in the darkest regions,
embrace your decisions,
in the darkest regions of hell.

self killing ritual, set the bottle upon the table,
cosmetic ignorance, kill the pain.
killer of the animal within, liquid poison to wash your brain,
drown in your misery, your life becomes a hell.

the killer of the soul, whomever he maybe, will be forced in the darkest regions,
embrace your decisions, in the darkest regions of hell.

i won't kill my soul


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