Friday, January 25, 2008

Kids observative

I recently started a new part-time employment at a local After School Program. On the third day of working there, a 8-year old, chubby boy approached me and asked:
"Mr. Marc, are you a Counselor?"
- me: "Huh? Why?
- boy: "Cos you sound like one."
- me: "Yes, I am a Counselor. But not here, here I am just a staff-member. Now please go back to your place and finish your math problems."

Having worked with children, young adults and families in affliction for my entire adult life I guess it has left its imprints.
Being an 8 year old in the realms of Redneck-Valley it may have also left an imprint on him. Or why would he know about a Counselor at age 8?

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